Birthday Math(誕生日の数学), GPS Math(GPS(位置)の数学)~人と場所をつなげる数学(算数)の旅~
Journey - mathematics that connects the people and location - (mathematics of GPS (position)) (math birthday) Birthday Math, GPS Math of (arithmetic)
太宰 治(だざい おさむ、1909年(明治42年)6月19日 - 1948年(昭和23年)6月13日)とは、日本の小説家。1936年(昭和11年)に最初の作品集『晩年』を刊行した。1948年(昭和23年)に山崎富栄と共に玉川上水で入水自殺を完遂させた。主な作品に『走れメロス』『津軽』『お伽草紙』『斜陽』『人間失格』。その作風から坂口安吾、織田作之助、石川淳らとともに新戯作派、無頼派と称された。


誕生 太宰 治(だざい おさむ) 津島 修治(つしま しゅうじ)
 日本 青森県北津軽郡金木村
死没 1948年6月13日(満38歳没)
 日本 東京都北多摩郡三鷹町
墓地 東京都三鷹市禅林寺

Dazai Osamu ( Osamu Dazai , June 19, 1909 - June 13, 1948 ) is a novelist of Japan . I was published anthology of the first " twilight years " 1936 (Showa 11 years ) . Was allowed to complete the drowning suicide in the Tamagawa along with Yamazaki Bu 1948 ( 1948 ) . Major works " Hashiremerosu " " Tsugaru ", " fairy Soshi ", " sunset ", " human disqualification " . I was called new burlesque school , and Ango Sakaguchi outlaw faction , Oda Sakunosuke , with Ishikawa Atsushi-ra from the style .

After wrote " human disqualification " and " cherry " , in Tamagawa on June 13, 1948 , was drowning and suicide mistress Yamazaki Bu .

Birth Osamu Dazai ( Dazai Osamu ) Tsushima Shuji ( Shuji Tsushima )
June 19, 1909
 Japan Aomori Kitatsugaru County Kanagi Village
(Now Goshogawara )
June 13, 1948 Date of death (less than 38 years old died )
 Tokyo, Japan Mitaka Kitatama County town
(Now Mitaka City)
Cemetery , Mitaka, Tokyo Zenrinji

( Kitatsugaru County town of Kanagi later , the current Aomori Goshogawara ) Aomori Prefecture Kitatsugaru County Kanagi Village , the six Tsushima source gate-guard office ( 1871-1923 ) is the main land in the prefecture 's leading child data ( seeds ) of ( 1873-1942 ) it was born as a man , Shuji Tsushima .

Aomori Prefecture Kanagi Town
太宰治記念館「斜陽館」と太宰治 疎開の家
House evacuation of Dazai Osamu Dazai Memorial as "sunset Museum"
東京都三鷹市 禅林寺
Mitaka, Tokyo Zenrinji

青森県金木町の場合 (経度,緯度)=(40.90322,140.456674)
Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (40.90322,140.456674) if Aomori Prefecture Kanagi Town
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (40903220,140456674)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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東京都三鷹市 禅林寺の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.694317,139.55994)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.694317,139.55994) case of Mitaka, Tokyo Zenrinji
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35694317,139559940)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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