Birthday Math(誕生日の数学), GPS Math(GPS(位置)の数学)~人と場所をつなげる数学(算数)の旅~
Journey - mathematics that connects the people and location - (mathematics of GPS (position)) (math birthday) Birthday Math, GPS Math of (arithmetic)
犬養 毅(いぬかい つよし、1855年6月4日(安政2年4月20日) - 1932年(昭和7年)5月15日)は、日本の政治家。位階は正二位。勲等は勲一等。通称は仙次郎。号は木堂、子遠。










生年月日 1855年6月4日
出生地  備中国賀陽郡庭瀬村
没年月日 1932年5月15日(満76歳没)
死没地  東京府東京市


Inukai Tsuyoshi
(Inukai Tsuyoshi, April 20) (2 years Yasumasa June 4, 1855 - May 15, 1932) is InuYoAtsushi, Japanese politicians. Positive rank second place. Kunto the Grand Cordon of the Order. Commonly called SenJiro. START far, the child issue.

China Progressive Party president, KMT constitutional president, innovation club president, constitutional Seiyukai president (6th), Minister of Education (first generation 13.31), the Communications Minister (first generation 27.29), Prime Minister (29th I have served as Foreign Minister (45th generation), and Minister of the Interior (50th generation),).

1882 (1883), and joined the Constitutional Party AratameSusumu Okuma Shigenobu was formed, to be active in the movement Daidodanketsu.

Elected at the first Member of the House of Representatives general election of 1890 (Meiji 23 years), and 18 times in a row winner at 42 years later, I make a record second only to Yukio Ozaki.

Buying part in third Tsugikei Cabinet overthrow, it was called the "God of constitutional government" with Yukio Ozaki (咢堂) on the occasion of first-order motion Guardian 1913 (Taisho 2 years). However, the Soga the force significantly by Kirikuzushi work of Prime Minister Keitaro is constitutional Nationalist Party, which has been a member at that time, was decided to lead a small party while licking hardship thereafter Inukai (constitutional Nationalist Party is the innovation club then). Inukai was and served as honorary headmaster of Yokohama Yamate Chinese School and Chinese Kobe same language school Besides politics. Around this time, Inukai giant right-wing is a true ally, and full Mt. Head has become a Asianism contributor worldwide, it was referred to as a sequence exists Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, and Sun Yat-sen, et al.

For every Applications of China Rift along with the Mt. Head full 1907 (Meiji 40 years), over to China because of the spicy Boar revolution assistance of Sun Yat-sen, et al 1911 (Meiji 44), the birthplace of the Sun Yat-sen Arao in exile harbor. It excels also in Chinese poetry and calligraphy, leaving the excellent work as a calligrapher.

It fell into the Second Wakatsuki Cabinet Cabinet disunity and around the Manchurian Incident broke out, was resigned. When you threw the administration Cabinet stuck, rules of "common practice of constitutional government" and cede power to opposition first party has been established around this time. Moreover, by evaluating that you have the willingness Inukai is a desire to resolve the discussion with the Republic of China the Manchurian Incident, elder statesman, Saionji Kinmochi is did recommend a dog nutrient of opposition Seiyukai President to Emperor Showa. At this time, Inukai 77-year-old Kazoedoshi. Newspaper and wrote "real Sheng Showa" and likened to an old military commander Saito JitsuSakari of the turbulent Djishiyou-KotobukiHisashi fought with dyed black gray hair.

The decisive action to disband general election immediately Daiinochi form a new government is down, Inukai was significantly boosted seats Seiyukai. Did on the mounting public support first by this, we worked with the breakthrough of economic recession by appointed Finance Minister Takahashi Korekiyo. The decisive action to stop the gold convertibility re-export ban, Takahashi tried to shift to expansionary fiscal policy at the same time. Japan's economy is headed in the direction of a gradual recovery in this.

May 15, 1932
Inukai is not any panic, I was guided to the drawing room the officer who. Shouting "'ll shoot" and "Shoot" is heard from the drawing room after a while, the sound of the pistol rang. Maid who is rush, consciousness is clear, even with a flow of blood from the nostrils, Inukai says "We Bring the man who shot now. Because - ml talking well" he said. It was a figure like Inukai you are trying to convince the press to the last breath. Complaint is to be spoken at this time of "Hanasebawakaru" is very famous.

Was a massive hematemesis at around 10, but it was healthy enough to encourage reverse "blood accumulated in the stomach'm came out. Do not worry" and around to be surprised. However, weakened gradually thereafter, was sacrificed to 23:26. It was a heroic death 77 age at death, of "real Sheng Showa".

June 4, 1855 Date of Birth
(April 20, the lunar calendar Yasumasa 2 years)
Place of Birth Country Bitchu Kayo County Niwase Village
May 15, 1932 Date of death (less than 76-year-old died)
Died Location Tokyo Prefecture Tokyo City

(The changing one's family name and Inukai later) Born as the second son of Inukai source Saemon who served as a large village headman, County magistrate in the country Btsutyuu Kayo County Niwase Village (now Okayama city north district Kawairi).


(Okayama city north district Kawairi)
東京 港区 青山霊園
Tokyo, Minato-ku Aoyama Cemetery
岡山市 吉備津神社
(犬養毅 銅像)
Okayama Kibitsu shrine
(Inukai Tsuyoshi statue)

岡山県岡山市北区川入  犬養木堂の場合 (経度,緯度)=(34.652137,133.8428)
Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (34.652137,133.8428) case of Okayama city north district Kawairi Inukai-mokudou
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (34652137,133842800)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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東京 青山霊園の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.666641,139.722069)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.666641,139.722069) In the case of Tokyo Aoyama cemetery
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35666641,139722069)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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岡山市 吉備津神社の場合 (経度,緯度)=(34.670725,133.850629)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (34.670725,133.850629) if Okayama Kibitsu shrine
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (34670725,133850629)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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