Birthday Math(誕生日の数学), GPS Math(GPS(位置)の数学)~人と場所をつなげる数学(算数)の旅~
Journey - mathematics that connects the people and location - (mathematics of GPS (position)) (math birthday) Birthday Math, GPS Math of (arithmetic)
朝永 振一郎(ともなが しんいちろう、1906年(明治39年)3月31日 - 1979年(昭和54年)7月8日)は、日本の物理学者。相対論的に共変でなかった場の量子論を超多時間論で共変な形にして場の演算子を形成し、場の量子論を一新した。超多時間論をもとにくりこみ理論の手法を発明し量子電磁力学の発展に寄与した功績によってノーベル物理学賞を受賞した。東京生まれ、京都育ち。なお朝永家自体は長崎県出身。









生誕 1906年3月31日
 日本 東京府東京市小石川区
死没 1979年7月8日(満73歳没)


Tomonaga Shinichiro(Shinichiro Tomonaga, March 31, 1906 - July 8, 1979) is a Japanese physicist. To form the operator of the field in the covariant form in the theory of multi-time ultra-quantum field theory was not covariant relativistically, was renewed the quantum field theory. Was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics by the achievements that contributed to the development of quantum electrodynamics invented the technique of renormalization theory based on the theory of multi-time super. Born in Tokyo, Kyoto and raised. The house itself is Tomonaga Nagasaki Prefecture.

And age of the principle theory of Heisenberg, etc., and live both of the times the two of applying theory the original theory, Tomonaga, leaving a large footprint in both.

In 1906, was born as a child of Tomonaga Sanjuro (Nagasaki Prefecture) in (Bunkyo Kohinata current) Tokyo City Koishikawa ku Kohinata Sanken town. I reportedly childhood was a sickly.

1913, then moved to Kyoto in the family due to the Kyoto Imperial University professor appointed father of Sanjuro, and transfer to another school to Nishiki-rin elementary school. Sanjuro become to be known as a member of the Kyoto School after. Tomonaga is, was and became interested in nature gradually, or subjected to experiment with magnifying glass, and the like to create your own lens of the microscope and the telegraph.

He is a graduate (now Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School, Junior High School), third high school, Kyoto Imperial University Faculty of Science Department of Physics, Kyoto during one. The Iribita~tsu in vaudeville and joruri woman, reportedly it was a hobbyist considerable school days. I arrived to the unpaid Fukute of Kyoto Imperial University after graduation. Hideki Yukawa: Middle School, High School, Imperial College with a synchronous entrance to school, graduation and synchronization (nee Ogawa), employment in sync with Hideki Yukawa also was in the same room also desk (up to junior high school is a one year on was, but the Yukawa caught up for Advanced Placement below).

1931, received the invitation of Yoshio Nishina, joined the research staff of the RIKEN Nishina laboratory. I do research, etc. of the oscillation mechanism of the magnetron here. The study in Leipzig, Germany, in the research group of Werner Heisenberg, studying quantum field theory and nuclear physics. Also I did some studies of three-dimensional circuit and magnetron during World War II. This study, and has won the Japan Academy Prize together with Masao Kotani in 1948.

1941, (the predecessor school under a new system Tokyokyoikudaigaku, now the University of Tsukuba) Tokyobunrikadai science professor. 1949, Professor Tokyokyoikudaigaku. Stay to the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, to carry out research of quantum many-body systems. Also been a professor of the University of Tokyo school festival and in the (May Festival), by, for example, play a comic story by German feats, dandyism in many cases.

1947 to perform a theoretical calculation of the so-called Lamb shift of forming a renormalization theory to solve the difficulties of divergence of quantum electrodynamics, by using the method of renormalization is found in the energy levels of the hydrogen atom, consistent with the measured value The results were obtained to be. With this performance, I won the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly Julian Schwinger and Richard Feynman in 1965. However, it has broken ribs and could not attend the award ceremony in Stockholm in December.

He served as chairman of the Science Council of Japan in 1969 Tokyokyoikudaigaku length, from 1963 in 1956 to 1961. In his later years, performed a lecture or the like junior high school, I also actively engaged in awareness of natural science. 1979, I died pharyngeal cancer is worse. It was a condition that does not put out voice because the surgery was carried out in the previous year. In the cemetery of Tama Tokyo tomb.

March 31, 1906 birth
 Japan Tokyo Prefecture Tokyo City Koishikawa Ward
July 8, 1979 Date of death (less than 73-year-old died)

In 1906, was born as a child of Tomonaga Sanjuro (Nagasaki Prefecture) in (Bunkyo Kohinata current) Tokyo City Koishikawa ku Kohinata Sanken town. I reportedly childhood was a sickly.


Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Kohinata
One in Kyoto
(now Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School, Junior High School)
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
東京 多磨霊園
Tokyo Tama cemetery

東京都文京区小日向 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.713997,139.736073)
Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.713997,139.736073) In the case of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Kohinata
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35713997,139736073)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)

///////////////////////日本語版 ///////////////////////


京都府立洛北高等学校・附属中学校 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.046072,135.771694)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.046072,135.771694) In the case of Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School, Junior High School
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35046072,135771694)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
///////////////////////English edition 2///////////////////////


東京  多磨霊園  の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.606879,139.458764)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization)
The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!)

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.606879,139.458764) In the case of Tokyo Tama cemetery
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35606879,139458764)
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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