Birthday Math(誕生日の数学), GPS Math(GPS(位置)の数学)~人と場所をつなげる数学(算数)の旅~ 
Journey - mathematics that connects the people and location - (mathematics of GPS (position)) (math birthday) Birthday Math, GPS Math of (arithmetic)
梅棹 忠夫(うめさお ただお、1920年6月13日 - 2010年7月3日)は、日本の生態学者、民族学者、情報学者、未来学者。国立民族学博物館名誉教授、総合研究大学院大学名誉教授、京都大学名誉教授。 理学博士(京都大学、1961年)。従三位勲一等瑞宝章。




1936年、京都一中(現・京都府立洛北高等学校)から4年修了(飛び級)で第三高等学校に入学。三高時代から山岳部の活動に熱中して学業を放棄し、2年連続で留年して退学処分を受けるも、後輩や同級生からの嘆願運動で復学を認められる。京都帝国大学理学部動物学科在学中には今西錦司を団長、森下正明を副団長とする中国北部『大興安嶺探検隊』(新版・朝日文庫 1992年)などの探検に参加活躍をした。モンゴルの遊牧民と家畜群の研究を基盤に、生物地理学的な歴史観を示した『文明の生態史観』(中公叢書、中公文庫、中公クラシックス)は、日本文明の世界史的位置づけにユニークな視点を持ち込み、大きな反響を呼び論争を巻き起こした。この主著は後の一連の文明学におけるユニークな実績の嚆矢となった。この方面の回想に、編著『文明の生態史観はいま』(中公叢書 2001年)。

フィールドワークや京大人文研での経験から著した『知的生産の技術』(岩波新書 1969年)は長くベストセラーとなり、同書で紹介された情報カードは、「京大式カード」という名で商品化された。1963年には『情報産業論』を発表。アルビン・トフラーの「第三の波」よりもかなり先行した時期に情報化社会のグランドフレームを提示した。「情報産業」という言葉の名づけ親でもある。その後の一連の文明学的ビジョンは『情報の文明学』(中公叢書 1988年/中公文庫 1999年)にまとめられている。


国立民族学博物館の設立に尽力し、1974年初代館長に就任した。1986年3月12日に原因不明の失明をした。それ以降の著述は口述筆記で行われている。闘病記『夜はまだあけぬか』(講談社文庫 1995年)に詳しい。作家司馬遼太郎とは、モンゴル研究のつながりで長年の友人であった。編著『日本の未来へ 司馬遼太郎との対話』(日本放送出版協会 2000年)に回想と対談を収む。

日本語のローマ字論者(ローマ字化推進論者)で、社団法人日本ローマ字会会長でもある。古くから漢字廃止論を唱えていた。また、エスペラント運動家(エスペランティスト)であり、世界エスペラント協会の名誉委員である。詳しくは編著『日本語の将来 ローマ字表記で国際化を』(NHKブックス:日本放送出版協会 2004年)。

主な著作(1990年初頭まで)は、『梅棹忠夫著作集』(全22巻 中央公論社 1989-93年)に収録されている。宗教観については、自身は無宗教である[要出典]が、イスラームに対しては、人と神がマンツーマンで接することができる宗教として、共感を抱いている。


生誕 1920年6月13日
死没 2010年7月3日


Umesao Tadao ( Tadao Umesao , June 13, 1920 - July 3, 2010 ) is , ecologist of Japan , ethnologist , an information scientist , futurist . National Museum of Ethnology , Professor Emeritus , Graduate University for Advanced Studies , Professor Emeritus , Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University . ( Kyoto , 1961 ) Doctor of Science . Third place Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure follow .

Is a pioneer of cultural anthropology in Japan and persons expand the civilization called a unique civilization with Umesao science , has affected many in many fields . One of Kinji Imanishi disciple in Kyoto . Ecology was the starting point, but to transfer the center of the study ethnology ( cultural anthropology ) , in comparison civilization through the animal sociology .

Other " ecological view of history of civilization " masterpiece , is also ( of Mathematical flock formation of tadpole ) pioneer of mathematical ecology , Teramoto British Hideki Yukawa disciple is deployed . In addition, it advocated the virus theory of religion , discussed propagation of thought and concept , the spirit formation . Since then , expand the religion virus theory , the impact of certain there is also a successor study . Is an example of an ecological view of history of civilization to the post transition theory to say civilization elements ( technology, ideas and institutions ) is going to transition by the selection , religion virus theory , is one of the foundation .

Born as the eldest son father Kikujiro in Kyoto, mother, Wei .

1936 , entered the third high school graduates in four years ( Advanced Placement ) from (now Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School ) in Kyoto one . To abandon their studies with enthusiasm in the activities of the mountain from three high age , to receive the expelled by repeat a year for the second year in a row as well , be allowed to return to school in the plea motion from the juniors and classmates . Was to participate active in exploration in northern China to the sub- head headed by Kinji Imanishi , Morishita Masaaki " DaXingAnLing expedition " and ( new edition Asahi Bunko 1992 ) in Kyoto Imperial University Faculty of Science Animal Department student . " Ecological view of history of civilization " ( Chukososho , Chuko Bunko , Chuko Classics ) that the foundation of the research group and the livestock herders in Mongolia , shows the historical view a biogeographic is unique in world history positioning of Japan civilization bringing perspective , sparked the controversy is called a big impact . This important works became a pioneering figure of a unique track record in civilization studies of a series of post . The recollection of this area , " ecological view of history of civilization now " edited ( Chukososho 2001 ) .

It becomes a best seller longer wrote from experience in Kyoto Jinbunken and field work " Chitekiseisan'nogijutsu " is ( Iwanami Shoten 1969 ) , information cards were introduced in the book the trade under the name " Kyoto type card " the reduction . Announces " information industry theory" in 1963 . Were presented the ground frame of the information society at a time when it was preceded by much than the " Third Wave " of Alvin Toffler . It is also the godfather of the word " information industry " . Civilization biological vision of the series of subsequent are summarized " civilization studies of information " in ( 1999 Chukososho 1988 / Chuko Bunko ) .

" Civilization and woman" to the war and write a ( Chukososho in 1988 ) , you cast a " wife useless theory" in 1957 to the " first -order housewife controversy " .

The instrumental in the establishment of the National Museum of Ethnology , was appointed first director in 1974 . I was the blindness of unknown cause on March 12, 1986 . Writing after that has been done in the dictation . The detailed " Akenuka still night " journal with the ( Kodansha 1995 ) . The writer Ryotaro Shiba , it was a friend of many years in connection Mongolia research . Osamumu the talk and recollection " dialogue with Ryotaro Shiba to the future of Japan" edited in ( 2000 Japan Broadcasting Publishers Association ) .

Roman letters theorists in Japanese ( romanization flag-waver ) , it is also a Japan romanization Chairman . I was chanting Kanji abolitionist for a long time. In addition , Esperanto is an activist ( Esperanto ) , is an honorary member of the World Esperanto Association . For more information " internationalization in future romanization of Japanese " edited (NHK Books : 2004 Japan Broadcasting Publishers Association ) .

(Until early 1990 ) Main works , It is collected " Umesao Tadao Collected Works " (all 22 volumes Chuokoron-sha, Inc. 1989-93 year ) . For religious beliefs , is itself is a non- religious [citation needed ] , for Islam , as a religion that can be God and people are in contact with one-on-one , you are holding a sympathy .

July 3, 2010 , I died by natural causes at his home in Suita, Osaka Prefecture . 90 -year-old deaths

June 13, 1920 birth
Kyoto , Kyoto Prefecture
July 3, 2010 Date of death
  Suita, Osaka

June 13, 1920 , was born as the eldest son father Kikujiro in Kyoto, mother, Wei .
Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture
Kyoto University
Suita, Osaka

京都府京都市 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.011636,135.768029)
Position divination (GPS prime factorization) 

The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!) 

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.011636,135.768029) In the case of Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture 
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35011636,135768029) 
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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京都大学 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(35.026244,135.780822)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization) 

The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!) 

(Longitude, latitude) = (35.026244,135.780822) In the case of Kyoto University 
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (35026244,135780822) 
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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大阪府吹田市 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(34.759453,135.51686)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization) 

The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now you!) 

(Longitude, latitude) = (34.759453,135.51686) case of Suita, Osaka 
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (34759453,135516860) 
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
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