Birthday Math(誕生日の数学), GPS Math(GPS(位置)の数学)~人と場所をつなげる数学(算数)の旅~ 
Journey - mathematics that connects the people and location - (mathematics of GPS (position)) (math birthday) Birthday Math, GPS Math of (arithmetic)
サー・ジョセフ・ダルトン・フッカー(Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1817年6月30日- 1911年12月10日)は、イギリスの植物学者である。南極、インド、シッキム地方などを調査し多くの植物標本を収集した。1873年から1878年の間ロンドン王立協会の会長を務めた。



フッカーは南極探検航海から帰ると、自分で採集した植物標本の分類の合間にダーウィンのビーグル号航海の植物標本の整理も請け負うことになった。フッカーは出航前に一度ダーウィンと会っていたが、1843年末から文通で意見を交わすようになった。そしてわずか2ヶ月後の1844年はじめには、ダーウィンはフッカーに「殺人を告白するようなものですが、種は変化すると確信しました」と書き送っている。フッカーはおそらく科学者としてはダーウィンの理論を初めて明かされた人物である。その頃から二人は家族ぐるみで親交を深めるようになっていった。1847年には自然選択説の概要を受け取り、意見を求められている。フッカーは大量の生物学や地質学の資料、そしてロンドンの科学界の情報をダウン村に隠棲していたダーウィンに送っている。彼らの文通はダーウィンが理論を発展させる過程を通して続いた。後にダーウィンはフッカーを「私が共感を得つづけることができた、たった一人の人物(living soul)」だと表現した。リチャード・フリーマンは二人の関係について次のように書いた。「フッカーはチャールズ・ダーウィンのもっとも偉大な友人であり心を許せる人であった」

彼の植物に関するもっとも大きな業績は「英領インドの植物相」であり、1872年から1897年の間に7巻本として出版された。他にも『ブリテン諸島の植物研究』や『植物の属』など著名な影響力のある論文、書籍、モノグラフを執筆した。1904年には87歳で「インド帝国の植物のスケッチ」を出版した。また父が始めたIcones Plantarum(「植物図鑑」)の編集を継続し、11巻を加えて19巻とした。1897年の著書に関連してインド政府からスター・オブ・インディア勲章の最高位を与えられた。1907年に90歳でメリット勲章を受章した。

生誕 1817年6月30日
死没 1911年12月10日


Joseph Dalton Hooker 
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (June 30, 1817 Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker - 12 . 10 . 1911) is a botanist of the United Kingdom. Were collected plant specimens to investigate a lot of Antarctica, India, and Sikkim region. I served as president of the Royal Society of London between 1878 from 1873. 

It was born as the second son of daughter Maria Sarah Turner banker and prominent botanist William Jackson Hooker Sir Suffolk Hale Wadsworth. I attended a lecture of his father at the University of Glasgow where his father was a professor from 7 years old. An early age, Hooker had an interest in exploration voyage such as James Cook and distribution of the plant. After leaving the Glasgow High School, studying at the University of Glasgow. I have obtained a Doctor of Medicine in 1839. Was hired as a medical officer in the Navy for that. 

Himalayan expedition 
Hooker was starting the United Kingdom for the Himalayan expedition that will span the three years to November 1847. He was a European for the first time were collected plants in the Himalayas. Take the Nile in Sidon issue, traveled by land until Suez. Arrived in Calcutta in January 1848, up to Mizapuru the elephant, to Siliguri was reached Darjeeling in April 1848 through the land route and Pony, by boat Ganges River. Exploration of Hooker was done based in house naturalist Brian Hodgson of Darjeeling. I met with representatives arch Baltic Campbell of East India Company through Hodgson, was discuss the Iri-iki to Sikkim. I was trapped in the Han King of Sikkim for a period of time. The letter carried in the distribution of animals in Darwin that was relay his studies, Hooker was collected plants in Bengal. I also probed and Shingarira region near the border confluence of Teesta river Rangeet large river, and the river Rangeet, Kiriioriyama, and Nepal with Charles Burns, who lived in local. After starting the Darjeeling in March 1850, and founded the base of research to stay until November to Churra, and left for home to England. Expedition he was published later as "Himalayan Journal's". 

Relations with evolution 
When I came from the Antarctic expedition voyage, Hooker became the undertaking also organize herbarium of the Beagle voyage Darwin between the classification of plant specimens collected by myself. Hooker had met with Darwin once sailed before, but I began to exchange opinions in correspondence from 1843 year-end. And at the beginning of 1844 two months after only, Darwin wrote that "I was convinced it is like confessing a murder, the species to change" to Hooker. Hooker is a person who has been revealed for the first time the theory of Darwin as a scientist, perhaps. They became so deepen the friendship with whole family since then. Receive an overview of the theory of natural selection, has been consulted in 1847. Hooker has been sent to Darwin that was secluded life in the village down the information of the scientific community of London and materials, geology and biology of a large amount. Their correspondence lasted through the process Darwin to develop the theory. Darwin was expressed, "I was able to keep getting sympathy, one person only (living soul)"'s a hooker after. Richard Freeman wrote as follows about the relationship of two people. "Hooker was a person who forgive the mind is the greatest friend of Charles Darwin" 
It is not in favor at all when I saw the outline of the theory of natural selection for the first time, it was a critic of the first of the theory of natural selection over a period of 10 years. It is said seed and is unchanged in the book of 1853. He was published around the same time as "Origin of Species" and expressed support for the theory of natural selection in this essay, became the first person which is supported publicly Darwin in the person who was recognized by the scientific community . Points out that the beginning of 1859 the conversion of Hooker Toshio Matsunaga of science historian [1]. Upon receiving the papers Darwin has made an theory of natural selection from Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858, Hooker to have known many years of research of Darwin recommend that together with Charles Lyell, and to jointly announce the theory of natural selection, the same year I was reading for smb. papers of two people instead of Darwin that were absent in the Linnean Society of. 
Debate historic were made about the evolution in the Museum of Oxford in June 1860. Samuel Bishop Wilberforce, Benjamin Brodie, Robert Fitz Roy is opposed to the theory of Darwin, Hooker and Thomas Huxley defended. According to the commentary of many at the time, had responded most effectively to claims of Wilberforce, it has been Hooker rather than Huxley. 
Hooker served as president of the British Institution in 1868. Hooker supported the theory of Darwin in the president's speech at a conference that was held in Norwich. He is a close friend with Thomas Huxley, when he dominated the Royal Society members of the X Club for three consecutive generations in the early 1880s from the 1870s, he was the first president of the association. It gave a lecture attended despite more than 90 years already, "Origin of Species" in the 50th anniversary lecture of 1909. 
After a short illness small, Hooker died during sleep at home on November 10, 1911. Westminster Abbey has provided grave near Darwin, but I said, is subjected to cremation before that. His widow refused the offer, I was buried alongside the grave of his father in St. Ann Church of Kew Gardens near Hooker himself as you wish. 

"Azalea of Sikkim over the Himalayas," which was published between 1849 to 1851 was laid the foundation of the study of flora and India azalea of Sikkim region. I began the publication of the series "Flora of India" with botanist Thomas Thomson of colleagues from 1855. To Palestine, to Morocco in 1871 to 1860, traveled to the United States in 1877, was investigated fruitful scientifically. Scientific reputation of his growing rapidly through such investigations. He was appointed deputy director of Kew Gardens in 1855. He became the director to officially mark in the footsteps of his father in 1865, and remained in that position for 20 years. Kew Gardens has won a worldwide reputation under the Hooker parent and child. 
Great achievement is the "Flora of British India" the most about his plants, it has been published as a book in seven volumes from 1872 to 1897. I wrote a paper a prominent influence, such as "genus of plants" or "plant research of the British Isles", books, monographs elsewhere. I published a "sketch of the plant of Indian Empire" at the age of 87 in 1904. In addition, I continue editing Icones Plantarum father began (the "Plant Encyclopedia"), and made ​​19 volumes by the addition of 11 vol. Given the highest of the Star of India Medal from the Government of India in connection with the book of 1897. I was awarded a Merit at the age of 90 in 1907. 

June 30, 1817 birth 
England, Suffolk Hale Wadsworth 
December 10, 1911 Date of death 
England, Berkshire Sunningdale 

June 30, 1817, was born as the second son of daughter Maria Sarah Turner banker and renowned botanist William Jackson Hooker Sir Suffolk Hale Wadsworth.
England, Suffolk
England, Berkshire

イングランド、サフォーク州 の場合 (経度,緯度)=(52.187247,0.97078)

Position divination (GPS prime factorization) 

The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now of you!) 

(Longitude, latitude) = (52.187247,0.97078) if England, Suffolk 
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (52187247,970780) 
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)
///////////////////////English edition ///////////////////////



イングランド、バークシャー州  の場合 (経度,緯度)=(51.465986,-1.281401)
Position divination (GPS prime factorization) 

The "use by GPS, to find the power of location (number)"! Longitude (GPS on), latitude, and altitude from, I examine the "power of the number" of its location on the map. If factoring, it can be seen lucky number of the place. If a prime number, it is the power spot in number. (We will check to see also point now of you!) 

(Longitude, latitude) = (51.465986, -1.281401) if England, Berkshire 
Is an integer in mega respective it. (Longitude * 1000000, latitude * 1000000) = (51465986, -1281401) (51465986,1281401) 
Now, lucky numbers? (I great attention ... number it so much! Let's enter the number on your own!)

///////////////////////  English edition2 /////////////////////// 素因数分解JavaScript

